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Secteur Interculturel
Welcoming french class


Welcoming french class

To promote the integration of newcomers in society, the Mgr. Marcoux Center offers French Workshops.

Registration Form
Registration Form


To promote the integration of newcomers in society, the Mgr. Marcoux Center offers French Workshops.

Those workshops are given by our team of dedicated volunteers facilitators at three levels: beginner, intermediate and advanced. Entirely in French, the workshops can be complimentary to francization courses or, for those who are not yet enrolled in any French program, allow them to acquire the basic language skill for everyday life.

Eligible persons (18 years old and up)

  • Permanent resident (including refugees)
  • Qualified workers
  • People with a Student Visa
  • People with a Working visa
  • Asylum seekeers
  • Sponsored persons
  • Visitors

Registration fees

To help defray the costs related to the French Workshop, the cost is 220$ per semester (for 4 classes/time slot). Management fees may apply.

The cost may vary depending on the number of lessons / time slots chosen per week.

(In line with is accessibility policy, the Center will not refuse anyone for financial reason).

Course Schedule

The Workshops takes place from Monday to Thursday:

  • Morning class: 9 am to 11 am
  • Afternoon class: 1pm to 3 pm

The level offered are: beginner, intermediate and advanced.


Registration is ongoing throughout the year. The fall session is from September to December, the winter is from January to March, the fall is from March to June and the summer session is from June to August. Please note that we are not taking new students for the summer session.

To register, simply complete the registration form and return it by email to

Afterwards, someone will contact you to assess your level of knowledge of the French language and to agree on a start date for participation in the workshops as well as the registration fees which must be paid at this time.

The workshops are entirely given by volunteers, and they help people who are waiting for courses offered by the Government of Quebec as well as those who want to improve their French.

People who would like to get involved as volunteer teachers / chaperones can refer to the Bénévolat section of our website.

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